Friday, 6 March 2015

This week's smiles....week 109

What a happy week we've had this week.  There were many more of you sharing your smiles and I thank you all for joining in the fun.....please keep it up girls.

This week I'm featuring someone who had a visit from the fairies while washing in the bathroom :-)  That's what happened and I'm sticking to it Julia!  Just look at that perfect little footprint....what else could it have been I ask you?  Thanks for making me smile Julia.

I have had a week full of smiles this week as my darling hubby has had the week off work on holidays.  We have shared caring for the twinnie munchkins on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, we celebrated hubby's birthday on Tuesday, had a full day of adventures on Wednesday and I'm even including a couple more snaps of garden treasures to make you smile.....

Can't you just see why this one makes me smile?  The twinnies really love their special time with their grandad.  There was sooooo much laughter filling the room.

Wednesday adventures at Attingham Park.....1000s of snowdrops to look at, lots of puddles to jump in, long walks through the woods and a fabulous play area to enjoy too....what more could we ask for?

I've grovelled down on the ground for you for this pic to show you that all that all the snowdrops in our new garden are double blooms....aren't they simply gorgeous?
We brought a few bulbs from our old house and these are only single blooms so it will be lovely to mix these with the double ones in the new garden.

This is the last pic I'm sharing with you today.  It's the first tiny daffodil that has opened up this week.  It really is so tiny and so perfect.

I hope you have enjoyed sharing my smiles this week.  Please snap one or two of yours and link them below so we can all share yours too.

Annie x


1. Helen said...

wow, when you visited my desk you promised great photos - and they are! love your poor hubby with the munchkins, we used to make my dad do that too!! The snowdrops (and daffodil) are gorgeous.. spring is really coming!

2. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ooooh , Annie, how absolutely lovely your pics of your garden and snowdrops etc. I love daffodils too they have brave hearts I always feel.

Cute plus granddad and grandees did he have sore back after I couldn't help,wondering.

Thanks so much for sharing off to peek at your WOYWW post, finally did mine today not been grand andso just do what one can when you can,
Shaz in Oz.x

3. Hettie said...

Your snowdrops are adorable and your tiny daffs. Our tiny daffs came out and it was lovely to see their yellow heads on the patio.
Your poor Hubby being a horse. My Dad used to do that too!

4. Twiglet said...

I thought I would link my poncho pic just incase our friends needed a giggle. Lovely pic of the birthday boy with the twins. x Jo

5. JoZart Designs said...

Tigger must have a strong back to take two twinnies together! Lovely post and lovely photos and it really shows how happy you are settling into your new home.
The other day was 4 years since our little fraulein was diagnosed... aren't we lucky and so grateful!! I'm going out on my own to visit next week.
Thank you so much for all your support. You and Jo are such shining stars.
Jo x

6. JoZart Designs said...

Extra note and another smile...when I quickly scrolled your pics at first, I thought the daffodil had a frog at it's base and the snowdrop looked like a bird with wings outstretched... must go to Specsavers!!!!!
Jo x

7. Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Annie and happy Friday. Don't those little ones just give us so much to smile about...yours are having so much fun with grand dad. I'm jealous you have spring bulbs I love them such lovely surprises popping up in the garden/parks. Enjoy your weekend Robyn

8. fairy thoughts said...

Hi Annie happy Friday ... What great photos at first I thought the woodland pictures were snow but no ... Snowdrops are soooo much nicer a sure sign spring is on the way .... At long last as it seems to have been such a long winter. Glad you all had fun at the park
You just can't help smiling

9. fairy thoughts said...

Ha ha just read your comment lol
I'm sure if I really counted I would have more than 109 .. I'm very blessed in many ways

10. 505whimsygirl said...

Hi Annie,
Your snowdrops are much prettier than my several feet!! It's melting fast though. I remember getting pony rides from my dad when I was a wee little thing. Happy belated birthday to your hubby!

11. mamapez5 said...

It looks as though a lot of fun was had by all! Attingham Park is a lovely place to go and all those snowdrops make it even better. So nice to see the Spring flowers in the garden too. Kate xx

12. Elizabeth said...

Lovely photos Annie. The twins will soon be too big to do that to their granddad but he's clearly enjoying the fun now. Love your snowdrops. By coincidence we've just planted up some single ones today - a kind gift from a fellow gardening blogger ... should have put photos of them on my post too because they certainly made me smile when the postie delivered them this morning :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

13. Creative Cardiology said...

Lovely flowers--can't wait until it's warm enough here for them to start popping out!
The twins are just adorable! I can see our grand-daughter doing this with Papa when she's a bit bigger.

14. Laura said...

Gorgeous snowdrops, the doubles are my favourite!
Thanks for checking up on me - it's been a bad ME week and I had nothing prepared as stand by posts. I'm feeling a little more alive today and have physio tomorrow so fingers crossed for a better week x