Friday, 9 May 2014

This week's smiles......week 68

Another week has passed....where does the time go?

Thanks to all who joined in the fun last week and to those who left me really lovely comments.  I really do appreciate all your love and support.  

I would like to welcome Chris over at Teddy Wares and Flutterbies and feature her blog this week with her gorgeous photos of Eden and the gorgeous quilt she made for her.  Thanks for sharing those with us Chris and welcome to the party :-)

I have a photo of our little granddaughter Lulu to share this week.....

Here she is giving me the thumbs up while she is trying on her new school dress all ready for her taster days coming up next month.  It really only seems 5 minutes since I was posting similar photos of her sister a year ago when she started.
Lulu is a real little character and has already told us she will be wearing a red dress...cos she likes red best!....even though the uniform is purple as you can see.  :-)

The other pics I'm sharing today are of a really fun day out we had at Chirk Castle last weekend with the twins and their mummy.
It included lots of giggles when Granddad showed the twins how to roll down the grassy banks there and we do have video evidence but blogger wouldn't let me upload them to share the giggles with you.

I hope you have enjoyed my smiles this week and will upload your own pics and link them below to share them with us.  Thanks again for joining in the fun.
Annie x


1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Is it just my eyesight, the lateness of the night, or is Lulu's hair a lovely shade of red? She's definitely a charmer.

The munchkins and Gramps look like they are laughing their way through last weekend. What fun photos of these twinlets.

2. Di said...

Aw Lulu is a real poppet! My first smile of the day :-)


Di xx

3. fairy thoughts said...

Hi Annie
Ah looks like a great fun day down on the farm.
Happy weekend

4. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah wonderful image from Lulu it surely is enough to bring the broadest grin.. a proud thumbs up there I think.. looking forward to being a big girl :D
and yes, think the ones below fav. is the tower building, all concentration there.. but real companionship.. praying for you Annie, and sorting of the situation, Shaz in oz.x

5. Hettie said...

Oh my goodness they are all growing up so fast. It wont be long and they wont want to pose for photos for us to see. I do hope that will be a while away yet though.
Nice that Lulu has given you the thumbs up!

6. Laura said...

Oh, you put them in a uniform and they look both super grown up and so so small all in one.
I quite fancy driving the tractor too, do you think they'd let me? :D
Thank you for hosting all of us smilers! :)

7. Anne said...

like us it looks as though you had lots of fun with family Annie. Anne x

8. Twiglet said...

Lulu is such a happy little soul isn't she! x Jo

9. Caro said...

Gorgeous photos of the twins again, but Lulu stole the show with that cute school outfit and smile. Thanks for the smiles. Caro x (#7)

10. BumbleVee said...

Here's one from Thursday ... the kitty I am babysitting for the week....

11. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, Lulu is so sweet, I love the expression on her wee face. And from the photos I can see that the twins, and granddad, had a great time learning to be farmers. Thanks for the smile. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

12. cockney blonde said...

Beautiful picture of Lulu. Glad you enjoyed Chirk Castle, it really is a lovely place to visit and great for kids, x